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"Setting Personal Goals"

...And Seeing Them Through

If you've ever dreamed of the perfect life, this book is for you.

You'll discover how setting personal goals can help you achieve the life you've always wanted – and deserve.


Setting goals will boost your self-confidence and help you discover the meaning and purpose of your life.

Knowing what you really want

It's possible to pursue and accomplish a goal, only to find out that the dream in your heart was something entirely different. Sometimes, the journey to the goal is more enjoyable than actually attaining it.

Set Measurable Goals

Your goals should be measurable in time (how long they will take to achieve) and in quantity.

What Does Success Mean To You?

What is your definition of success? Is it achieving material goals, great relationships, or spiritual awareness?

Be Prepared For Setbacks

Sometimes those close to you may find it challenging to understand why you're working so hard to achieve your goals. They mean well, but they may be struggling with their own goals.

"Goal setting is important to having a purpose. You can get depressed and loose a sense of purpose without goals. When I left home for college, I had goals and I worked hard to achieve them. Once I had completed my goals I felt lost as I didn't really have anything to achieve any more. I found that constantly having goals to strive for helped me not to feel lost or depressed. This book is great for those that are trying to set realistic goals and how to achieve them."

small business owner

Setting goals will boost your self-confidence and help you discover the meaning and purpose of your life.


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